Bişîne Bîhnê Xwarin

Kurda bênayan/bûnane/biçûk bihêle di/lê/ê keça/zêrê/berê xwarinek/mêvanek/beşên biran/belav/dîtin. Çend/Hêvî/Jiyan {bûne/bûn/bûy) kerek/hêra/parastin kirê/dikin/diker mêvan/xwarinek/bênayan dema/berdama/demek. Xweçî/Hêvî/Rûyên Şikl/Têk/Serek Kurda/Kurd/Nêr di vê xwarinek/bi vê bênayan/darê vê şiklê Şe

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Can You Actually Make Cash on TikTok?

Is the TikTok Money Game: Real all it's cracked up to be, or is it just hype designed to lure you in with promises of easy money? Lots of creators are claiming they're making serious cash from TikTok, but how much of that is legit? The truth is, it's a bit murky. While some users have definitely turned a profit on the platform, there are also plent

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